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It is used for replacements earth wire by OPGW over Hot/Cold line.
=>Driven By Motor Genrator Unit Mounted On it self.
=>It tractions on the earth wire automatacally and pulls the guiderope through double type support rollers and uiltimately pulls the OPGW connected with guide rope via swivel joint.
1)Diameter range of earth wire the upper rollers can pass(MM):926.
2)Maximum creeping slope:31 '.
3)Gasonline genrator type :EP1000 Honda Make.
4)Electric motor type ;120 W wih gear motor (1:15 Ratio).
5)Diamension (MM):477X488X763.
6)Running Speed(M/Min):15.
7)Harizontal Pull(N):350.
8)Mass:46.5 KG.